Sunday, February 9, 2014

Kroger Field Trip

There's really no better way to cap off a week of studying "FOOD" than a trip to the local grocery store.  To make it a even more of an adventure, we walked to Kroger in the freshly fallen snow!  Officer Grisso was there to help us cross the busy street.  He's our hero.  Once inside and warm, we visited the fruits, vegetables, dairy and meat departments.  The store managers explained where fruits are grown.  Some come from Texas and some come from as far away as South America.  But the real excitment was learning about Maine lobster.  Those claws sure look scary, but Mr. Don let us touch them after knowing those grabbers aren't going to hurt us.  Did you know there is a lot of math, reading and science inside a grocery store?

 First stop:  Vegetable department.  We talk about what vegetables are grown above the ground and which are grown under ground.  Everyone notices how many bright colors are in these food.

                            Be on the look out for items on MyPlate.  
                            This is the new version of the old Food Pyramid.

                             Then we visit the fruits and dariy departments.

After seeing the Maine lobster, we head to the cereal aisle and look for a cereal we have tasted AND one we haven't tasted.  Lots of grains here.

Too bad the fun field trip is just about over, and it's back outside to taste winter again. Thanks, Officer Grisso, for stopping traffic so we don't have to wait long in the cold.

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